Flying - Progenitors

You have built and will build again
Temples and churches that are all the same.
Domes and spires are turned to heaven -
The Houses of Lord, the houses of prayer.
The prototypes of this architecture,
You never surmised what is it like -
Star-ships arrived from distant planets,
Your forefathers had brought the life
You have painted the images of saints,
Nimbi shine over their pious heads.
Holy martyrs and mediators,
You should not pray but do respect them.
Look at the icons - whose portraits are there?
What are these halos around their heads?
They were astronauts in space-suit helmets
Your progenitors were those who landed
They've created you
On their image and likeness,
They've given you life
To keep on genes
Of human race
Unto ages of ages
Continuing chain
Ungrateful sons of glorious fathers
You've made religion in place of science.
Instead of searching, reaching new horizons
You droop your heads and humbly prey in silence.
Rise your heads and take your look to the sky,
Countless stars are drawing curious eye.
Spread your wings wide you never tried
Before you have known the reason to fly.
Unexplored worlds are waiting for you,
Still unborn your children you have to do.
Not the new gods for your posterity,
But progenitors you should become to the
You should create the new ones
On your image and likeness,
You should give them life
To keep on genes
Of human race
Unto ages of ages
Continuing chain